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Evil and cruel !!

sevi1992 Guestbook

emadbarka  (12 years ago)

Arya2020  (12 years ago)
Love Divine
Then the rainstorm came over me
And I felt my spirit break
I had lost all of my belief you see
And realized my mistake
But time threw a prayer to me
And all around me became still
I need love, love"s divine
Please forgive me now I see that I"ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Through the rainstorm came sanctuary
And I felt my spirit fly
I had found all of my reality
I realize what it takes
"Cause I need love, love"s divine
Please forgive me now I see that I"ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I don"t bend [don"t bend], don"t break [don"t break]
Show me how to live and promise me you won"t forsake
"Cause love can help me know my name
Well I try to say there"s nothing wrong
But inside I felt me lying all alone
But the message here was plain to see
Believe me...
"Cause I need love, love"s divine
Please forgive me now I see that I"ve been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name
Oh I don"t bend [don"t bend], don"t break [don"t break]
Show me how to live and promise me you won"t forsake
"Cause love can help me know my name
Love can help me know my name.
Arya2020  (12 years ago)
. . . . . . . . .
Boys are like stars, there are millions of
them out there, bbut only one can
make your dreams come true
ﭘﺴﺮﻫﺎ ﻫﻤﭽﻮﻥ ﺳﺘﺎﺭﻩ ﻣﯽ ﻣﺎﻧﻨﺪ، ﻣﯿﻠﯿﻮﻧﻬﺎ
ﭘﺴﺮ ﻭﺟﻮﺩ ﺩﺍﺭﺩ ﺍﻣﺎ ﺗﻨﻬﺎﯽﮑﯾﺍﺯ ﺁﻧﻬﺎ ﻣﯽ ﺗﻮﺍﻧﺪ
ﺭﻭﯾﺎﻫﺎﯾﺖ ﺭﺍ ﺑﻪ ﺣﻘﯿﻘﺖ ﻧﺒﺪﯾﻞ ﮐﻨﺪ
Courtney Conner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arya2020  (12 years ago)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sometimes the heart sees what is
invisible to the eye.
ﮔﺎﻫﯽ ﺍﻭﻗﺎﺕ ﻗﻠﺐ ﻣﯽ ﺑﯿﻨﺪ ﺁﻧﭽﻪ ﺭﺍ ﮐﻪ ﺑﺎ
ﭼﺸﻤﺎﻥ ﺩﯾﺪﻩ ﻧﻤﯽ ﺷﻮﺩ
H. Jackson Brown Jr
. . . . . . . . . .
palovitli  (12 years ago)
123Friendster.com - More Girls Corner Comments123Friendster.com - More Girls Corner Comments123Friendster.com - More Fantasy Love Comments123Friendster.com - More Romantic Thoughts Comments123Friendster.com - More Romantic Thoughts Comments123Friendster.com - More Romantic Thoughts Comments

Arya2020  (12 years ago)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
True love never dies, even if you have
found a new love, the sweet memory
of the past will continue to hunt you
for the rest of your life.
ﻋﺸﻖ ﻭﺍﻗﻌﯽ ﻫﯿﭽﮕﺎﻩ ﭘﺎﯾﺎﻧﯽ ﻧﺪﺍﺭﺩ ﺣﺘﯽ ﺍﮔﺮ
ﻋﺸﻖ ﺟﺪﯾﺪﯼ ﭘﯿﺪﺍ ﮐﻨﯿﺪ ﻭ ﺧﺎﻃﺮﺍﺕ ﺷﯿﺮﯾﻦ
ﮔﺬﺷﺘﻪ ﺩﺭ ﺍﺩﺍﻣﻪ ﺯﻧﺪﮔﯽ ﻫﻤﯿﺸﻪ ﻫﻤﺮﺍﻩ ﺷﻤﺎ
ﺧﻮﺍﻫﺪ ﺑﻮﺩ
Arya2020  (12 years ago)

As days go by, my feelings get
To be in ur arms, I can't wait any
Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's
Day & Night my thoughts r of U
Arya2020  (12 years ago)

I feel I know you
ﺣﺲ ﻣﯿﮑﻨﻢ ﻣﯿﺸﻨﺎﺳﻤﺖ
I don't know how
ﻧﻤﯿﺪﺍﻧﻢ ﭼﮕﻮﻧﻪ
I don't know why
ﻧﻤﯿﺪﺍﻧﻢ ﭼﺮﺍ
I see you feel for me
ﻣﯿﺒﯿﻨﻢ ﮐﻪ ﻧﮕﺮﺍﻧﻢ ﻫﺴﺖ
You cried with me
ﺑﺎ ﻣﻦ ﮔﺮﯾﻪ ﮐﺮﺩﯼ
You would die for me
ﻣﯿﺨﻮﺍﺳﺘﯽ ﺑﺮﺍﯼ ﻣﻦ ﺑﻤﯿﺮﯼ
I know I need you
ﻣﯿﺪﺍﻧﻢ ﮐﻪ ﺑﻪ ﺗﻮ ﻧﯿﺎﺯ ﺩﺍﺭﻡ
I want you to
ﻣﯿﺨﻮﺍﻫﻢ ﮐﻪ ﺗﻮ
Be free of all the pains
ﺍﺯ ﺗﻤﺎﻡ ﺭﻧﺠﻬﺎ ﺁﺯﺍﺩ ﺷﻮﯼ
You hold inside
ﮐﻪ ﺗﻮ ﺑﺎ ﺧﻮﺩﺕ ﺩﺍﺭﯼ
You cannot hide
ﺗﻮ ﻧﻤﯿﺘﻮﺍﻧﯽ ﭘﻨﻬﺎﻥ ﮐﻨﯽ
I know you tried
ﻣﯿﺪﺍﻧﻢ ﺗﻮ ﺳﻌﯽ ﮐﺮﺩﯼ
To be who you couldn't be
ﮐﺴﯽ ﺑﺎﺷﯽ ﮐﻪ ﻧﻤﯿﺘﻮﺍﻧﯽ
You tried to see inside of me
ﺗﻮ ﺳﻌﯽ ﮐﺮﺩﯼ ﻣﻦ ﺭﺍ ﺩﺭﮎ ﮐﻨﯽ
And now i 'm leaving you
ﻭ ﺣﺎﻻ ﻣﻦ ﺩﺍﺭﻡ ﺗﻮ ﺭﺍ ﺗﺮﮎ ﻣﯿﮑﻨﻢ
I don't want to go
ﻧﻤﯿﺨﻮﺍﻫﻢ ﺑﺮﻭﻡ
Away from you
ﺩﻭﺭ ﺍﺯ ﺗﻮ
Please try to understand
ﻟﻄﻔﺎ ﺩﺭﮐﻢ ﮐﻦ
Take my hand
ﺩﺳﺘﻢ ﺭﺍ ﺑﮕﯿﺮ
Be free of all the pain
ﺍﺯ ﺗﻤﺎﻡ ﺭﻧﺠﻬﺎ ﺭﻫﺎ ﺷﻮﯼ
You hold inside
ﮐﻪ ﺗﻮ ﺑﺎ ﺧﻮﺩﺕ ﺩﺍﺭﯼ
You cannot hide
ﺗﻮ ﻧﻤﯿﺘﻮﺍﻧﯽ ﭘﻨﻬﺎﻥ ﮐﻨﯽ
I know you tried
ﻣﯿﺪﺍﻧﻢ ﺗﻮ ﺳﻌﯽ ﮐﺮﺩﯼ
To feel...
ﺩﺭﮎ ﮐﻨﯽ
Singer: Anathema
Poem: Parisienne Moonlight
Arya2020  (12 years ago)
“For every minute you are angry you
lose sixty seconds of happiness”.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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